Grand-Pré National Historic Site
I was the first Artist in Residence at the Grand-Pré National Historic Site of Canada, July 19th to the 25th, 2007.
This web page dedicated to my paintings.

Association of Professional Acadian Artists of New Brunswick
My profile page on the AAAPNB website.

Canadian Artists’ Representation/Le Front des artistes canadiens (CARFAC), is incorporated federally as a non-profit corporation that is the national voice of Canada’s professional visual artists..
Droits d’auteur Arts visuels Copyright Visual Arts is a not-for-profit copyright management society providing Creator’s Rights administration for professional Canadian and Québécois visual and media artists. It provides Users (people or businesses requesting to exhibit or reproduce artworks) with licensing for the use of the artworks.

Serge V. Richard
My webmaster Serge, a visual artist, showcases his sculptures, photographs, and contemporary paintings here.